8-Ball Pool Tournament
Who: Classes of 1970 and 1971 combined.
What: 8-ball Tournament
When: Saturday October 15, 1:00PM
Where: Buckland Billiards
Phone: 860-643-6944
Map Link: 1131 Tolland Tpke, Manchester, CT 06042
We will be hosting an 8-ball tournament on Saturday afternoon at 1:00 PM.
Venue website: Buckland Billiards.
Buckland Billiards will be opening up especially for our group of the combined classes of 1971 and 1970. Most of the tables at Buckland Billiards are the 7 foot "bar tables" with the coin operated mechanisms removed. They do have 2 tables of the regulation 9 foot length. During normal hours they offer food but may not bring in the staff for our event. We'll know when we get closer to the event. They are a full service liquor license establishment and I'm sure they will be serving drinks.

If you played pool in Manchester during the 1960's then you know the name Larry Lisciotti. He was a Manchester kid who went on to become world champion. He was talented in many sports but his exploits and adventures as a professional pool player and pool hustler are legendary and well documented. He is an inductee of the Manchester Sports Hall of Fame. Read more about The Dugout and Larry Lisciotti in this piece of local history written by Californian and Manchester native Laudizen King. Laudizen King is a pen name and his true identity is a closely guarded secret. Very interesting ->click here<-.
We'll meet there at 1:00 PM.